地鐵斯坤慰站下順著2號指標走
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-242號出口(如果是坐bts請在ASOK下車往有標示MRTㄉ方向下去後走2號出口)
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-242號出口
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24出來右轉
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24走1分鐘右側ㄉ巷子就是了至於店家介紹請自己搜索
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24如何去蛇美往3號出口(BTS
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-243號出口手扶梯
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24到了1樓順著紅色箭頭走
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24斯坤威路都是攤販
at
2010-04-24會看到19巷指示牌繼續直走
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24經過19巷口
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24看到羅賓紳繼續直走(坐BTSㄉ人在ASOK下往羅賓紳這裡下朝NANA站方向走)
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24會經過這裡
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24也會經過這裡(15巷口)
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-2415巷口ㄉ指標
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24過了15巷口後又是擁擠ㄉ攤販(就快到了)
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24一過擁擠ㄉ攤販後就看到右側
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24蛇美到了(有關蛇美請自行搜尋版內文章)
with
EX-Z80
at
2010-04-24[
此貼被克里斯在2010-07-29
22:24重新編輯
]
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